Sunday, June 16, 2013

Together Time!

To all the Dad's out there - a shout out for hoping your day was GREAT!  In this family, the protocol for  events such as, Mother's Day, Father's Day, Labor Day, is that some type of work shall be involved.  This Father's Day was no exception.  We cleaned the bird feeders (bird Dad's were happy), cleaned the grill (human Dad happy), set up our screened in deck tent (mosquitos not happy) and checked fields (human Dad happy again!)  Three daughters and one granddaughter were on hand to assist with some of these projects - I guess it's not quantity but quality time spent and quality time spent working (of course!).  The Dad in this house, the farming Dad, really never works because he LOVES what he does AND I'm saying that I love quoting others, I'm sorry to say I don't remember the original author of this quote, but you know that one - "If you find a job you love, you never have to work a day in your life" - this Dad's motto!  It really is okay that we do these kinds of projects on these special event days because number one, they get done and number two, we spend it together!

Checking fields

Danielle and Dad putting the screen tent on the deck -( we have a case of the mosquitoes here in Minnesota!)

Katie, Holly and Parker with their Dad/Grandpa (who doesn't know how to smile!?!) ready to go check the fields

So if you relaxed or worked on your day, I hope you did it with the someone's in your life!

Happy Dad's Dad - Julie

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