Friday, August 16, 2013

Join us at the fair!

We are taking Farming Friday to the Douglas County Fair.  As members of our county's corn and soybean growers, it was our pleasure yesterday to "man" the booth and share what we do as farmers and our passion of our livelihoods!  "Find the Chip" game was a hit.  Poker chips in three different colors were hidden in a bucket filled with corn and soybeans.  Participants of all ages had to find a chip and depending on what color they found, won them a prize, which ranged from candy corn packets to food vouchers for the 4-H food stand.  We also encouraged people to "like" our Facebook page to be eligible to win a $50 Visa gift card (you can too - go to DCCSG Facebook, like and share- it's that easy!)

The Douglas County Corn and Soybean Growers booth.  A  happy fair visitor giving us a "thumbs up" for farming!

A family playing our game and going away winners!

A few of the highlights of the fair are of course the food court, known as "calorie lane" or as I called it "calorie alley".  (having cheese curds and malts for mid-morning snacks are okay in my book!)  It is not necessary to worry about weight during county fair time - come on people - just enjoy - it's only 4 days a year?!?
Calorie Lane or Alley (in my case)

BUT, my really most favorite part of the fair are the activities, especially the ones with kids involved.  Gosh, I just gotta tell you, these kids know how to work.  They were showing livestock, cleaning pens, watering and feeding animals, working the food stands, sharing their projects and talents, the list goes on..... it was totally AWESOME!
Two young gals waiting for their turn to show their cattle.

The judge sharing his expectations in showing livestock.

Maggie the Cow was the hit in the Children't Barnyard .  It gave water not milk and the kids knew that was crazy!

Next on the agenda is to check up on all the crafters out there, you know who you are, you talented people who share your projects with the world, hoping to score a ribbon on your creations- IMPRESSIVE and CONGRATS to all participants.  VERY INSPIRING!!!!!

The only thing I missed out on was the rommegrot- what?  - a most wonderful treat of cream, milk, flour, butter, sugar and cinnamon served warm -  My Grandma Tillie made it a bunch and it was the greatest. Everytime I eat it,  it brings me back to Grandma's kitchen,  even the smell is heavenly! Want to make your own, check out (what I call Scandanavian yummies).  I will have to go back and get my fix or better yet make my own.

Go and enjoy the fair - it is an annual tradition that can't be missed.....and I must go make rommegrot right now or go back to the fair - yep that sounds like a great idea!

How can this not make you smile? Kids dancing to a polka!

LOVING FARMING and all it brings to my LIFE!   Julie

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